Thursday, February 25, 2010

asking ava

So, Ava was taking forever to eat her lunch as I decided to ask her some questions:

Lala: What do I always say to you?

Ava: Don't touch my food with my hands

(this is true, i HATE when she puts her hands in her food and touches the metal part of her fork?spoon)

Lala: What is something that makes me happy?

Ava: Barb

(my mom, aw!)

Lala: What makes me sad?

Ava: Going under the table

(Umm, ok...)

Lala: How old am I?

Ava: I don't know Lala.

Lala: How tall am I?

Ava: tall and tall and tall


Lala: What is my favorite thing to do?

Ava: Play with me.

Lala: What do I do when you aren't home?

Ava: You pick me up outside.

Lala: What am i really good at?

Ava: Dancing

Ha! She probably said this because she's one of the only people I dance in front of anymore. I got too old to dance in public.

Lala: What am I good at?

Ava: Blowing purple bubbles

(What in the world is she talking about? It's like all of a sudden she's on an acid trip during this interview! She said it all mellowed out too!)

Lala: What do I do for a job?

Ava: I don't know Lala.

(This confuses her a lot.)

Lala: What is my favorite food?

Ava: Quiche

Lala: What makes you proud of me?

Ava: Going in the potty when I poop.

Lala: If I was in a cartoon, who would I be?

Ava: Olivia

(great, i'm an obnoxious and annoying pig)

Lala: What do you and I do together?

Ava: Play in my room.

Lala: How are we the same?

Ava: We are together.

Lala: Where do I like to go?

Ava: the grogery store

Lala: How do you know that I love you?

Ava: Alligator

Lala: What is your favorite color?

Ava: Pink

Lala: What is your favorite food?

Ava: Meatballs

Lala: Where is your favorite place to go?

Ava: Dr. Edie's office

(what kid says the doctor is their favorite place to go??)

Lala: Who is your favorite person?

Ava: you, lala.

(believe me, she knows how to work people!) :)

Lala: What is your favorite game?

Ava: Football with Daddy

Lala: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Ava: a mommy or something

(or something?)

Lala: How do you help Lala?

Ava: I clean up

Lala: How do you help mommy?

Ava: by going to the gym


Lala: Who is your best friend?

Ava: Izabella and Juliana

Lala: What don't you like?

Ava: Winter

(this is far from true!)

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